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"Give in to whatever's pulling you forward.

Be brave and see where things land!

You'll never regret it.” ~ Jean Lenke


Release Date: December 13th, 2019

Play Restless

Jean Lenke's debut album, RESTLESS is as diverse as Jean is and highlights her musical creativity brilliantly! Carefully curated into an epic tale of love’s ups & downs, these songs take the listener on a journey, sure to captivate. 


”This album speaks to the restlessness we all feel at some point in our lives - especially as we age. We reflect on our lives & loves, our wins & loses, our adventures & missed opportunities… and our blessings of course. What pulls us along and pushes us forward is often a mystery. Sometimes it’s a joyful journey, and sometimes it’s a really tough one. Whatever’s going on in your life, I hope my album carries you along for part of your journey.” ~ Jean Lenke


Recorded at Morning Star Studios, by Glenn Barrett, Jean and her studio team have created a have created a unique piece of work, infuse with rhythm, energy, playfulness, and unexpected surprises. Studio musicians include acclaimed Jazz pianist Tom Lawton, contemporary Jazz saxophonist, Fostina Dixon, and sophisticated Jazz-Rock-Alternative team; Kevin Hanson, guitar, Jim Stager, bass & Erik Johnson on drums. Together under Jean's musical direction, they've created a unique experience, infused with rhythm, energy, some really cool West Coast inspired swag, and a common love for really great music!


"Everything I know about music, I learned in Philadelphia. Philly tough me to sing, to write, and to fly free. When I realized earlier this year that I was moving west to Seattle, I knew I had to record my musical experiences before I left!“ ~ Jean Lenke


Completely self produced, RESTLESS includes Jean’s original lyrics & music, out-of-the-box standards, unexpected covers of Joni Mitchell & Steely Dan tunes, and a beautiful Bossa Nova by Canadian composer David R. Miller, that Jean penned lyrics to in a camp workshop! Highlights include collaborations with the wonderful Philadelphia songwriter James Solomon, reinventing two of his songs from the 70’s into “new standards" that others will be lining up to cover as well! Singer-Songwriter Danie Ocean wrote the title song for Jean, Restless Wondering, which caps off the album brilliantly and aptly sums up Jean’s eclectic statement about this stage of her life.

“We never know where life will take us. Things stirring within us that we cannot always identify right away - bursting forth in unexpected moments. Over time they can grow into miraculous things! Recording and producing my first album at this late stage of my life has been such a challenge, and also a very freeing experience. Whatever is pulling you forward, don’t settle. Give in to your own restlessness. Be brave. Shoot that arrow and see where things land! You'll never regret it.” ~ Jean Lenke


This album is dedicated to my family 


to my 92 year old mother 

L. Jean Belknap's feisty spiritedness,

to my father Art Belknap who loved great music

and made me listen to Lawrence Welk (Ha!),

to my beloved husband Marc Lenke

who lets me be me,

and to my three wonderful children 

Amelia, Paul & Erik Lenke

who inspire me daily

with their their adventurous spirits.

I also want to thank 

two beloved musician & best friends,

Pete Bretz & Dan McKay. 

Without their push & pull, & love & trust,

I would not be performing today.


Jean Lenke Music

Jean Therapy West

Jean Therapy Music Productions

Sequim, WA 98365


P:  484.431.3524

© 2015 by Jean Lenke.

Everyone needs a little ~ Jean Therapy!

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