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House Concerts


Interested in hosting a private House Concert? Jean & her acoustic Jazz-Folk musicians do a few special intimate appearances a year, presenting a variety of music that touches us personally - sometimes tributing to the master musicians we love - Joni Mitchell, Sandy Denny, Jackson Browne, Burt Bacharach, Ritchie Havens, Carol King... Sometimes we present a theme! Sometimes we're launching a new album! We'll work with you on what you want to hear.

What is a House Concert exactly?


Arrangements vary, but typically, a House Concert Hosts opens their home (or barn, or garden) to their friends and family, or social network, inviting them to come enjoy an intimate concert experience. The hosts either offers refreshments, or I invites guest to potluck, and sets up some sort of seating (or invites guests to BYO their setting). The visiting performing artists offer music, usually two sets with a break, and are paid wither by donation ($20/guest is common) or presale tickets. Sometime home hospitality and a meal are offered to the artists if long distance travel is involved. The performing artists bring their own sound equipment & instruments.


Send us a note and let's talk about the possibilities!



Jean Lenke Music

Jean Therapy West

Jean Therapy Music Productions

Sequim, WA 98365


P:  484.431.3524

© 2015 by Jean Lenke.

Everyone needs a little ~ Jean Therapy!

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